
Flexi Leaf Dragon(Print-in-place) by 3D_FlexSeeds
Extra service "Leaf Dragon Mark-Ⅱ Set" released!!https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/flexi-leaf-dragon-mark-set-print-in-placeIf purchased, commercial use license and 3mf files are available. There is also a model in medium size only, if you are interested.https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/flexi-leaf-dragon-mark-medium-size-print-in-place--2024/05/22--Extra service "Mini Leaf Dragon" released!!https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/flexi-mini-leaf-dragon-print-in-place[Update]---2024/02/07---Straight type is now available.---2024/05/07---Free 3mf file released!! Cults and Printables for Bambu Studio and Prusa Slicer are now available. If you want to do multi-printing, please click the link below to download.↓MakerWorldhttps://makerworld.com/en/models/458321#profileId-366380↓Cultshttps://www.printables.com/model/733515-flexi-leaf-dragonprint-in-place↓Printableshttps://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/flexi-leaf-dragon-print-in-placeThis is Flexi Leaf Dragon. The scales are designed in the shape of leaves, and the wrists are flexible and movable.Print in Place with no supports. No assembly required.In addition to the standard Flexi Dragon-like size model, a medium size model, reorganized in a lizard style, is included. The medium size requires 30% less filament and time to 3D print than the large size; if 3D printing time is a concern, the medium size is a good choice.Please take pictures of your Flexi and share them with us!


Creality Printに読み込んだところ、147.50 x 145.51 x 23.49 mmでした。
  • 積層ピッチ:0.2mm
  • サポート:なし
  • ブリム:なし
  • シーム位置:ランダム
材料コスト:157.35円(Creality Hyper PLA使用)


CC BY-NC-ND 4.0ライセンスです。ライセンスに従って使いましょう。